

Storm Damage 

Weatherproofing + Structural Repairs



Storm Damage 

Weatherproofing + Structural Repairs

Storm Damage Repair

Blizzards, high winds, thunderstorms, floods, and tornadoes can all cause grave damage to your home, and all of these weather phenomena occur West Virginia & Ohio.   If severe weather damages your home, it is important to call your insurance company and restoration professionals as soon as possible. Delayed response to storm damage can cause subsequent problems causing homeowners to incur a much greater expense. Our 24-hour emergency service allows us to be contacted anytime you need us. We will weatherproof your home immediately, and continue to work diligently to repair the structural damage to your home, and repair any contents of the home that incurred damage.  With our state of the art equipment, skilled labor, and experience your home will returned to it's pre-disaster state as expediently as possible. 

Common Repairs

Wind Damage Recovery

Rain Damage Recovery

Snow Damage Recovery

Siding Repair